Iconic Marques Club


Some answers to common questions...

Iconic Marques Modern Classic Club

Does it cost to join the Iconic Marques Club ? 

  • At the moment we are running this Club as free to join, however, only certain events planned for the months ahead may incur a small cost to attend. Of course, where we can do so, costs for food and drink at meets/events will hopefully be the only extra costs you may incur.  

What if my modern classic car is not on the qualifying list ? 

  • If you feel your car(s) you own do indeed need to be included on our list then please do not hesitate to contact us and we can review this. Please email : XXXXXXXXXXX . We have tried to make the list as extensive as possible to cover most ‘iconic’ models from the 80s,90s and 2000s. 

How can I be notified of future events/meets ? 

  • In order to be contacted on future events we will organise, please do register on this web site so we can contact you by email or through a shared Whats App group that will be set up. Registration is the only way for us to communicate with you. 

Can I bring my modified / after market styled / tuned car to any meets ? 

  • Iconic Marques is really focused on showcasing the very best modern classic cars in their most original state in period (as best we can). Of course, we understand that owners will have added after market exhausts and engine components for example however, we think you know where we are coming from on this ‘originality’ point, so long as modifications are minimal then that’s fine.    

Do you have a club Privacy Policy ? 

  • The  Club does operate with a Privacy Policy which can be viewed here. Our company is registered with the ICO (Information Commissioners Office) ref:A1117747
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Please contact us through the form below if you wish to discuss anything further..

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Iconic Marques Modern Classic Club_Honda