Iconic Marques Club


Please can you register your details below so we can contact you on our forthcoming events and meets.

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Terms of Service
Our Iconic Marques Club Terms and Conditions for Members
“The Club” shall mean Iconic Marques which is owned by Jameson Carter Ltd
“The Members” or “You” shall mean registered and qualified members of The Club.
“Club Events” shall mean the exclusive events and meets run by The Club.
“Club Membership” shall mean the membership afforded to Club Members upon completion where there may be a cost in the future but free to join during 2024.

The Club will limit access to the event registration process so that only The Members can view and register for Club Events.
To provide clear joining criteria and an approved car list. We withhold the right to review this regularly to ensure fairness for owners of all marques
To keep The Members updated via email or social media on Club Events.
To withhold the right to terminate your Club Membership with immediate effect on the evidence of dangerous, reckless, anti-social or inconsiderate driving.
To withhold the right to terminate your Club Membership due to actions by a Club Member during or outside of Club Events deemed unacceptable, offensive or outside the spirit of The Club.
To withhold the right to terminate your Club Membership following complaints from multiple members during a Club Event.
To issue the Club Member with a written warning in relation to dealing with the above grievances if the termination is too extreme. Cause for a second warning will result in termination of Club Membership.
To withhold the right to cancel any membership if The Club believes that continued Club Membership is not in the best interest of The Club or The Members.
To withhold the right to cancel Club Events due to poor weather conditions or a low registration quantity.
To reserve the right to amend these terms and conditions without prior notice.
The Member Agrees To:

To read all joining criteria prior to registering for membership.
Fill out the online registration page form in full and acknowledge reading these Terms and Conditions.
Pay where applicable for Club Events – this will be clearly stated during event registration. VAT may be added to Club Events where applicable. Full terms and conditions are detailed below.
To keep The Club updated with your details. Please inform us by email if you change your email or postal address.
To keep timings and locations of the Club Events private and off any other public forums and websites.
To take suitable care whilst on Club Events and to abide by local driving laws and speed limits.
To show respect towards Club Members and their cars during Club Events.
To maintain a considerate level of driving towards other Club Members and the general public. Evidence of dangerous, reckless, anti-social or inconsiderate driving will lead to The Club issuing a written warning or terminating Club Membership.
The club does not condone the exceeding local speed limits. All speed limits must be adhered to at all times, especially in towns, villages and built-up areas. Additionally, in rural areas covered by the national speed limit, our members are encouraged to respect local residents and other road users and by reducing their speed and keeping noise limits to a minimum when passing homes & farms and when meeting vehicles travelling in the opposite direction.
When attending our Club Events you do so at your own risk and The Club accepts no responsibility for any damage to any cars or persons attending the event.
The associated dangers of travelling on public highways and therefore the inherent risk in taking part in road-based events such as those hosted by The Club include; risk of accident, risk of injury or risk of death. Whilst we strive to ensure our events are as safe as possible we will not be held responsible nor do we have any control over the driving of our participants or other road users and The Club accepts no responsibility for these risks. It is entirely The Members responsibility to ensure they are physically and mentally prepared.
To pay all fines, penalty charges or costs connected with the vehicle whilst on Club Events.
Not to pose as a servant or agent of the Club or Company.
To give The Club permission to use photos of your car on the website, social media and for promotional purposes unless otherwise stated. The Club retains the right to allow duplication and publication of any associated images unless The Member expressly requests otherwise by emailing : ‘[email protected]’ prior to the relevant event start date.
Not to promote rival events or clubs during Club Events or to Club Members. We withhold the right to terminate your membership if you do so.
All unauthorised advertising or soliciting on The Club forum or at Club Events will be removed without explanation and without notice.

Club Events
Booking & Payments
The Club currently only accepts registrations online through iconicmarquesclub.com site
App based bookings may also be processed via on-line platforms we intend to use and announce in the near future.
All events are offered subject to availability and on a first come first served basis.
There shall be no formal and binding contract between The Club and The Member until the requested deposit (or where appropriate the full amount due) has been received by The Club in the event of an event where there is a cost to attend.
Failure to pay the balance of any deposit (or where appropriate the full amount due) as requested will entitle The Club to cancel the booking without further advance notice to The Member.
Any Event taking place within the UK must be paid for in full when the booking is made.
Any Event taking place outside the UK must be paid for in full when the booking is made.
Provisional bookings will be confirmed only once payment is received in full.
We reserve the right to cancel or refuse any bookings at our sole discretion

Free Events
All members are required to provide a minimum of 24hrs notice should they be unable to attend any events they have registered for.
Cancellation should be made by email to : [email protected] and your full name details should be provided along with details of the event being cancelled.

Paid Events
If you wish to cancel a booking twenty eight days or more prior to the event on which you have booked, we will aim to issue a credit note to be used for future events for the full amount paid less a £5.00 administration fee.
If you wish to cancel within twenty eight days of the event for which you have booked, we will only issue a credit note to be used against future events for the full amount paid, less a £7.50 administration fee, only if the event is fully SOLD OUT and we are able to re sell your place.
Any credit note issued will not be transferable and must be used within 12 months. We do not provide refunds.
Any failure to attend a paid event may be subject to the Member Attendance Policy

Member Attendance Policy
A great deal of planning and preparation goes into each and every club event with the Iconic Marques Club management team and Club Ambassadors sacrificing many hours of their time for the benefit of the club and its members. For reasons of practicality and for the benefit of our club members, many club events have attendance limits based on the event type and the number of staff that will be running that particular event.
This frequently results in events being oversubscribed and the creation of an event specific ‘reserve-list’. When a member cancels an event registration, the first person from the reserve list is automatically ‘bumped’ up to the attendee list (on a first come, first served basis). Previously, there have been a small number of instances where a club member has failed to attend an event they have registered for (no-show), with little or no notice given. Furthermore, many of these events were oversubscribed, therefore had sufficient notice been given, another member could have taken this spare place. Due to the increasing number of club events that Iconic Marques Club are now running each season, it has become necessary for the club to introduce a temporary account freeze for any club member who fails to notify of their absence within an acceptable time period. Any member with a frozen account will be unable to register for any subsequent events until such time as the freeze is lifted. Should the club feel it necessary to impose an account freeze, the member in question will be contacted in advance and be given the opportunity to dispute (where appropriate). The length of any account freeze shall be kept within reason, but may be extended for repeat offenders. The club reserves the right to review each instance of the above on a case-by-case basis

Force Majeure
The Club cannot accept liability or refund monies if the Club Event has to be amended or cancelled due to any circumstances outside our control or that we could not foresee or avoid. Such as (but not limited to) war, threat of war, riot or civil unrest, disease, terrorist activity, industrial disputes, natural disasters, adverse weather conditions, ferry delays or traffic delays. Neither can we be held responsible if certain attractions change their opening times or are closed.

We reserve the right to change the Event itinerary and route at any time without notice.

You will indemnify the organiser, its directors, officers, employees and consultants against any and all claims, lawsuits and causes of action whatsoever or howsoever arising and brought against them by any third party as a result of your action or participation in the event, including without limitation, your violation of any laws or regulations or your breach of these Terms and Conditions.

Code of Conduct
All participants must conduct themselves responsibly and in an appropriate manner at all times. You must not consume alcohol whilst driving, driving whilst under the influence of alcohol (or any other intoxicating substance) or drive if your ability to do so safely is compromised by illness, lack of adequate rest, or any other condition. Any illegal behaviour will result in the cancellation of your participation without refund. Furthermore, any careless or reckless driving will result in your expulsion from the remainder of the tour without refund. Club Membership may also be terminated. It is strictly forbidden to create discussions on politics, sex, sexual preference, sexist or racist subjects in any of the Club group chats or groups. We withhold the right to terminate your Club Membership due to actions by a Club Member deemed unacceptable, offensive or outside the spirit of The Club.

Image Rights
All participants consent to be photographed and to be included in any filming of a Club Event. You consent to the use of your image, likeness, voice and biographical material in connection with any and all footage, publicity and related promotional material. Members or their friends and family are only entitled to take photographs and film footage of the Event for non-commercial purposes.

These terms and conditions and your participation in the Event are governed by English law and you submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of England.

Iconic Marques Modern Classic Car Club